News and Blogs

Volunteers Needed - Secretary & Treasurer
By Denise Buttigieg

Secretary & Treasurer needed

Can you spare an hour a month?


Our current District Secretary & Treasurer are standing down at our next AGM in June 2022. We are now looking for two volunteers to help support the District in the roles of Secretary & Treasurer.


The District Executive team meets four times per year to help support the District Mangement Team in meeting our needs of Safety, Safeguarding and Govenanvce across the District & Groups.

Correspondence and Financial transactions are relatively low but do fluctuate at times due to annual reports & charity commission updates. Each role is estimated to take about an hour per month of time to process the administrative needs.

Can you help or do you know someone who might?


For more information contact


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Spelthorne District

Spelthorne District Scouts, c/o 29 Windsor Drive, Ashford, Surrey, TW15 3JD
Registered Charity (England) 1178685
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